Our Social Network Management includes:
Un Social Media Manager sempre al tuo fianco
Non sarai mai lasciato solo. Un nostro digital expert sarà al tuo fianco per proporti nuove idee e guidarti in questo folle mondo dei social. Un volta condivisi i tuoi obiettivi ti presenteremo una strategia social capace di raggiungere i risultati desiderati.
Creazione pagine - fase Start Up
Saremo al tuo fianco dal primo momento, apriremo per te le pagine e i profili necessari all'avvio delle tua attività sui social, predisponendo il tutto per una partenza "col botto".
Ideazione del calendario editoriale e contenuti dedicati
A Social Media Manager always at your side
You will never be left alone. One of our digital experts will be at your side to offer you some new ideas and to guide you in this crazy world of social media. Once your goals are shared, we will present you with a social strategy capable of achieving the desired results.
Pages Creation - Start Up phase
We will be at your side from the first moment, we will open for you the pages and profiles necessary to start your social activities, preparing everything for a successful start.
Creation of an editorial calendar and dedicated content
A few days in advance, we will present you the editorial calendar for the following month. A very useful and easy to read document in which you will see placed on a calendar the contents that we plan to publish, in the most performing days and times according to your target audience. If necessary, we will be available to produce such content (photos/images/video/etc.).
Influence marketing
L'agenzia è in contatto con diverse realtà che trattano col mondo degli influencer. Se riterremo possa essere una buona strategia da avviare anche per il tuo business ti presenteremo varie proposte di collaborazione con micro e macro influencer.
Ascolto della community
Un aspetto fondamentale che non può essere trascurato sui social è la creazione e la gestione delle propria community. Quel gruppo di utenti fidelizzati che sposano la tua filosofia e seguono con costanza le tue pubblicazioni. La tua community sarà per noi fonte di importanti informazioni e ci permetterà di conoscere gusti e interessi del tuo pubblico.
Gestione campagne Adv e reportistica
Influence Marketing
The agency is in contact with different realities that deal with theworld of influencers. If we think it could be a good strategy to start also for your business we will present you various proposals for collaboration with micro and macro influencers.
Listening to the community
A fundamental aspect that cannot be overlooked on social media is the creation and management of your own communities. That group of loyal users who espouse your philosophy and constantly follow your publications. Your community will be a source of important information for us and will allow us to know the tastes and interests of your audience.
Adv Campaign Management and Reporting
Thanks to the ADV campaigns designed and managed by our Social Media Managers you will see your numbers grow and your turnover rise. Every month we will present you with a report on the social activities carried out and the feedback obtained.